
If you have too much insulin in the resting state…

Test your basal insulin carb ratio, and connect with your diabetes team.

If your absorption from injection sites increases
during exercise…

Consider switching your injection site away from active muscles.

If your increased body temperature increases
insulin absorption…

Consider reducing your insulin dose.

If your basal insulin levels are unable to drop during exercise as they would in people without diabetes…

Consider a reduction in basal insulin (see Adjusting Insulin).

If you have lows overnight following exercise…

*(Muscle and liver stores are being replaced for many hours after exercise so blood glucose levels commonly drop overnight).

Have a complex carb meal after exercise and measure blood glucose frequently overnight (set an alarm for 2am). Also consider a reduction in basal insulin.

If you experienced a recent episode of severe hypoglycemia…

*(This can prevent the usual stress hormone response to a low blood sugar later that same day.)

Consider avoiding exercise on the day after a very low blood sugar.

If you experience prolonged aerobic exercise without adequate glucose replacement or insulin reduction…

Review your plan from existing exercise and adjust for next time (see Adjusting Insulin). Consider 10 second sprints at maximal intensity after your exercise.

If you develop a new exercise plan with differing levels of aerobic activity…

Review plan from this exercise and adjust for next exercise (see Adjusting Insulin).