Before Exercise

Before starting exercise remember
  • Know what your blood glucose is doing prior to exercising
  • Check your blood sugar 1 hour before and then again 30 mins before exercise
  • Monitor your blood glucose every 30 minutes during exercise or use GCM
  • Check your blood sugar after exercise and remember to check overnight!
  • Don’t exercise if you have ketones OR had a SIGNIFICANT low blood sugar in the last 24 hours (SIGNIFICANT hypoglycemia is where it is difficult to get out of OR lasted a longer time than usual OR is particularly low eg 2.5 mmo/l (45 mg/dl))
  • Hypoglycemia the night after exercise is common
  • Exercise and diabetes is a bit TRIAL and ERROR – work out what works for you
  • This calculator is only an aid! There are some circumstances where it might not work for you! If it doesn’t work check out the TROUBLESHOOTING and GLUCOSE VARIABILITY pages
  • Plan – Try – Review – Adjust
  • Using the algorithm you have several options

During VIGOROUS exercise (similar to anaerobic exercise) blood sugars often rise rather than fall so actually some people need MORE insulin not less and certainly often don’t need extra carbohydrate! This will be trial and error to work out what your body does but if you do find that your blood sugar always drops then use the values below as a good start point.